Saturday, 27 February 2010

Gibraltar, Sevilla, and Cordoba

Well, since we went to Gibraltar, Sevilla, and Cordoba last weekend, this post is a bit delayed. Better late than never, right?

Well Gibraltar was absolutely amazing! It may have been the fact that it was the first sun that we had all seen in weeks, thus we were gloriously happy. It was such a beautiful, sunny day. We walked across the Spanish border into the UK and in order to do so, we walked across the only air strip that has a stop light. When a plane is coming in, the red light goes on and the cars and people stop and once the plane lands, it turns green and everyone continues on their way. We got to see the coast of Africa at the straight of Gibraltar. It was really inmteresting. Then, we went into Saint Michael´s Cave, where they have stalagtites and stalagmites. They hold concerts that play inside the cave. After that we got to play with the monkeys. We had a fun time and I definitely found my favorite. He had the most adorable little mowhawk. I will post photos soon. After, we headed to Sevilla for the night. We went out and I got 2 hours of sleep prior to waking up to our tour of Sevilla.

Sevilla was beautiful as well. It is a lovely city full of beautiful architecture and great things to see. We walked up 36 flights in a tower inside of the Cathedral and we had a 360 degree view of the whole city for miles. The weather was glorious as well. We layed out next to the river and took naps in the amazing sun. We spent as much time as possible outside in the SUN! That night we met up with one of Chelsie´s friends from Point Loma and all of his friends. We had a great time and all got along well. We went to a 3 story club in a mall. That was a new experience, but it was a really fun place to be. That night Chelsie, Simone, Kayla, and I all walked around with Chelsie´s friends for 45 minutes in the wind and the rain looking for a cab. It was miserable. None the less, we made it home in one piece. This night I got only 2 hours of sleep as well. On to Cordoba.

Cordoba is known for its world famous Muslim Mezquita (Mosque). It was fabulous in fact. It has now been converted into a Cathedral. The weather was absoluetly miserable and pouring rain probably harder than I have ever seen before. The walking tour was fun, but slightly paining considering the rain. Then, we drove home to Granada and all caught up on our internet and went to bed.

Overall it was a fabulous trip and I love Gibraltar!


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