Saturday, 6 February 2010

Last Night in Amsterdam

Well so far, we have had a great 4 days here. It has been a lot of fun and I have never seen more bicycle riders in my life. There are a lot of beautiful old buildings, many canals, and 19 "islands" in Amsterdam (they are created by the canals connecting). We have walked by the Anne Frank Museum and saw the outside of her house, went on a canal boat tour, and went to the Van Gogh Museum. We have walked around the city a lot and have seen some very cool things. We were going to ride bikes today, because that's a very Dutch thing to do, but it was absolutely frigid outside all day today!! I had five layers of clothing on my top half, two pairs of socks, gloves, a scarf, a beanie, pair of jeans, and my Uggs and I was still freezing!! Try packing that into a little backpack for 10 days worth of travel...let me tell you, it wasn't easy, but I did it! Warning in advance, once I post photos, it will appear that I am wearing the same thing every day. I only had room to bring two different outer coats and thus the majority of my photos are with those two jackets-my black pea coat and a teal and black fur-hood snow jacket (thanks Mom). In all actuality though, it doesn't really matter what I am wearing. While, I would have liked to have enough outfits for everyday and different jackets, that's not what matters-it's the experiences I had and the memories I made. Any clothing beyond the necessities are not needed (obviously, since they are not necessities). I made do and even had a little room to bring some souvenirs home (Well, I more so shoved stuff inside of my bag - we will see if Ryan Air let's me on the plane with my bag). The most important part is that I now know that I can survive with only a backpack for 10 days. The memories made are also obviously important as well. On a side note, I had an amazing massage today. My friend Sacha and I went to get massages today and it was ABSOLUTELY amazing! My neck and shoulders feel so much better! Still looking for a Chiropractor in Granada and hopefully I will find something soon, God willing. Well playing cards with friends and then off to go explore a little more of the city for our last night. xoxo!

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